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Heather Holleman and her husband, Ashley, serve with Faculty Commons (Cru) with Ashley in the role of National Director, Cru's Graduate Student Ministry. She is a speaker, teacher, and author who loves helping people connect with Jesus, especially through scripture. People have called her a "walking exclamation point," and she's known as a lover of vivid verbs and semicolons. Heather currently directs the Advanced Writing in the Humanities courses at Penn State, and she devotes herself to building authentic writing communities and helping students gain confidence and joy in writing. She is a graduate of the University of Virginia and earned her PhD in English Literature from the University of Michigan. She has received numerous teaching awards in the past 25 years and has written eight books, her most recent being Sent: Living a Life that Invites Others to Jesus (Moody Publishers). Heather and Ashley have two teen daughters and three cats. Her podcast is "The Verb with Heather Holleman," and she blogs daily at HeatherHolleman.com



Shannon joined staff in 1991 and has served in the Campus Ministry at the University of South Carolina, East Tennessee State as a Team Leader, then as the National Director of Field Missions for the Red River Region based in Austin, Texas. There she met her husband, Marc, who is now an engineering professor at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University. They moved to Orlando in 2007 when Shannon accepted the role of Executive Director of Leadership Development for the Campus Ministry.  While working full-time, she earned her Masters in Leadership Development from Embry-Riddle Aeronautical Worldwide. Currently, she serves as the Campus Ministry Executive Director.

Shannon and Marc are both passionate about reaching students and faculty around the world with the gospel and are committed to seeing people transformed. They love doing ministry together and especially enjoy participating in summer missions with students both in the US and abroad and have been to 18 countries together.



Dr. Tim Elmore is founder and CEO of Growing Leaders (www.growingleaders.com), an Atlanta‐based non‐profit organization created to develop emerging leaders. His work grew out of 20 years serving alongside Dr. John C. Maxwell. Elmore has appeared in The Wall Street Journal, the Washington Post, USA Today, Psychology Today and he’s been featured on CNN’s Headline News and Fox and Friends to talk about leading multiple generations in the marketplace. He has written over 35 books, including Habitudes: Images That Form Leadership Habits and Attitudes, Eight Paradoxes of Great Leadership, and his latest A New Kind of Diversity: Making the Different Generations on Your Team a Competitive Advantage.



Beth and her husband, Todd, live with their family in Cincinnati, Ohio where they serve as Co-Executive Directors of Back2Back Ministries. After graduating from Indiana University, the Guckenbergers moved to Monterrey, Mexico where they lived for 15 years. Between biological, foster, and adopted children, they have raised eleven children.

Beth is the author of eleven books including adult and children’s titles. She travels and speaks regularly at conferences, youth gatherings and church services about reckless faith. Her style is based in story-telling and she draws from her vast field experience as a missionary, Bible teacher and parent for illustrations of biblical concepts.